Wednesday, May 13, 2009

a few lines of code mean a big explosion

Yes, the ships explode. I just coded that in, so if you get into a fire fight with another ship, one of you is bound to explode. Now the part that is left to code is to create time dependant creation of bases on asteroids and planets, balancing the weapon damage and repair progress. Then to make the resource gathering process to work better and finally to code in the game rules.

Then, it will be time to code in the tooltips, special UI elements and the creation of many sprites for the different weapon effects. lets see how that goes.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MIDI music and Sound Effects

I recently added a background music to my game. It is the MIDI of the U2 song, October. This will work as a place holder till I find someone to do some original music for me (fat chance).

The ship also gives off the laser firing sound effect whenever the laser is fired. That is the first sound that has been added to this game. There are going to be explosion sounds, hitting sounds and some notification sounds in future.

By the way, I have also created an options menu, and you can use that to control the music sound volume. I think I will make the sprites for the enemy ship today as I do not feel like doing any coding.