Thursday, March 5, 2009

making an empire

The recent update has been that now you can capture/populate planets and asteroids. As a result, if you watch your empire screen, the asteroids and planets just captured will be displayed there. Apart from that, the rate of resource generation will also be updated on the main screen.

I have also added popup boxes that come up as soon as an action is done, like capturing a planet or if some action cannot be done, like when you want to capture a planet and its status is already owned or neutral. Capturing an asteroid or a planet costs population resource which can be filled up with the growth rate. I am also thinking that the user can only refill his crew on a planet, so if he is down on crew, he will need to go back to a planet to get more crew.

The next thing to be done is to make the weapons fire. This can be a bit tricky, so i should get on it soon.

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